
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Starting a New Job!

So back in August or September of 2011, I saw an ad posting on Craigslist for a painting instructor (I like to browse Craigslist every once in a while to see if there are any fun creative opportunities).  I looked into the position further, and found out places like it are popping up EVERYWHERE!  Basically it is a painting studio where people can sign up for a specific painting on the website.  On the day they signed up, they come to the studio and over the 2-3 hours an instructor leads them through the steps to create that specific painting.  On top of that, they can bring their own cocktails of choice.  What a fun night out!  I thought this sounded like so much fun, and when I researched it more I found tons of studios that do this.

I interviewed for the position and I was hired as a painting instructor.  I was ecstatic!  For the next few weeks I worked on numerous paintings that I thought were creative enough but easy enough to teach to beginners. Here are some of my ideas:
Cherry Blossom


Calla Lily

I just found out recently that the business is scheduled to have its grand opening on March 24.  Woohoo!  This sounds like one of the most fun "jobs" I've ever had and I can't wait to start.  Have any of you ever taken a class at a place like this?  Do you have any tips for a new instructor (what to do or not to do?).

As always, you can see more of my original paintings on Etsy too:

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