
Saturday, January 21, 2012

New Paintings - Owls!

I've decided to paint some owls today, because today seems like the perfect day to do it!  Here in Georgia, it's dreary and rainy outside.  The rain always puts me in a quiet, thoughtful type of mood.  How many of you love to curl up with a good book on a rainy day?  I absolutely love it!  So as I was unpacking my art materials this morning, the image of an owl came to my mind and I knew I just had to paint it.  To me, owls are both majestic and mysterious.  They are always watching, never impulsive, and so beautiful. 

I'm going to paint several owls and hopefully get them up for sale this weekend for anyone interested.  A day full of painting, cannot wait!

As a side note, although I may find this day very inspirational... my poor dog doesn't feel the same.  He is the sweetest dog, but has a lot of anxiety about EVERYTHING!  So when he heard the first roll of thunder this morning, he ran for the bedroom and hid his head under the bed.  Poor baby is having a rough day! 

Meet Dexter!


  1. Hi, Jae!
    Just got back from getting my puppy's nails trimmed and hoping for a full-day of painting, too!

    So nice to meet you through Etsy’s Blogging Buddies Team. I am also an artist, high school art teacher, and blog about my dog, too! :)
    I am your newest blog follower via email! :)

    All the best,
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  2. Hi - your dog looks lovely!
    Mine is afraid of storms too, but he doesn't hide, he just growls a lot!

    Owls are one of my favourites - we used to have a pair of little owls who nested in a big tree near our house. We sometimes used to see the little ones perched on a branch, bobbing up and down. So cute :)

  3. Aw, poor woofer! Our last dog hated thunder too - and made for the nearest bed, sofa - anywhere he could "escape" from the noise. Hope the sun came out eventually. Meanwhile, loved the Tulips! Saw you on Blogging Buddies - invite you to visit me at so we can exchange doggie news, if nothing else! Cheers.

  4. Hi everyone! Thanks for commenting on my blog! My dog is doing much better now that the thunder has stopped. I've followed all of you back as well, looking forward to blogging together!

  5. Jae,

    My dog is the same way. He's a pitbull mix, 80 lbs and he is a big baby! Scared of every little thing too. We don't get a lot of thunder around here but I'm sure he'd hide and cry.

    I look forward to reading more! Your dog is cute by the way!


    PS I found your blog through Blogging Buddies too.
