
Sunday, December 18, 2011

New Blogger?!

Well here it goes, I'm starting my first blog since the Live Journal I had about 7 years ago!  I hope this blog will help me to connect to other artists and art teachers, share my experiences and ideas, and learn from others.  I am a dedicated artist working mostly in acrylic and oil paints.  I am also new to etsy, trying very hard to get my art out there!  My realistic acrylic paintings feature still life, landscape, portraits, and flowers. 

This is my third year teaching high school art and it has definitely been an experience.  Some days are very frustrating while other days are extremely rewarding.  I am always trying to think creatively and teach the kids what will help them to become artists in their own way, but it is DIFFICULT!  I would love to connect with other art teachers out there who have some great ideas to share.

Well, I guess that is it for now... I hope to post again soon!
